Game Developer - Level Designer - Environment Artist - Author - Tutor - 18 Years of experience with Unreal Engine 1, 2, 3, 4
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Long time no update again, there goes my promise of updating more regularly :) It is quite hard to find the time with all the other things I am doing.

I made some changes to the site. I removed a directory with images that were normally no longer used (I hope) and I fixed a few broken images and bits of text that messed up when it got ported over to WordPress. I also moved all large images back from the secondary host to the host the website itself is on too, after someone complained he could not see the externally referenced images. They should also load faster now. Let me know if some images ported over incorrectly.

I am currently working on some mobile Unreal Engine projects. I am working on a small kismet only mobile game that will be used for a new video for Eat3D, and we are porting over The Ball. We got it running at 30-40 FPS all the way through the first 3 levels actually, so that is really promising and these mobile devices are getting really powerful lately. More on that later when things solidify a bit more. Will also be traveling a lot later this year for a long vacation, and I will be back to teaching at Future Games in fall, until late winter 2012.

Quite a few stories popping up lately about excessive crunch and other such scandals. First we had the LA Noir Credit scandal and the stories about management and excessive crunch, now horror stories about Gameloft in New Zealand surfaced. It is really disgraceful, criminal even as far as I am concerned. I read a story of a a guy who was made to work 16 hours every day for almost half a year long while having a 3 month old baby at home… That shows just how incredibly immature the industry still is. Meanwhile the IGDA which is suppose to represent and defend our interests as developers has proven yet again that it really does not care for its members and is unable to stand up for us. This is just one out of many scandals that they have failed to respond to (Tim Langdell anyone? – and check out his amusing performance in court too), making me wonder exactly what its purpose really is…
There seems to be growing awareness of the excessive crunch problem though, even among junior developers, and each and every one of these stories that surfaces will further our cause, but there is more to be done. We need an increased awareness and opposition. Excessive crunch without a solid and fair compensation package is absolutely unacceptable!

A website dedicated to the topic popped up a few days ago: I Love Crunch

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